

·         Baptism

·         Confirmation

·         Eucharist – Transubstantiation / Real Presence

·         Penance

·         Extreme Unction

·         Marriage

·         Holy Orders


·         Sacramentals


The Rise and Fall of the Medieval Papacy


·         1130–France; Bernard supported Innocent II; England & Germany, Anacletus

·         1198—Pope and Emperor Henry VI die

·         Pope Innocent III (1198-1216); Frederick Philip; Otto IV

·         1208—Philip murdered; Otto IV vs. Innocent & Frederick

·         Canon Law

·         1340s & 1350s = the Plague


The Avignon Papacy


§         Papal authority in conflict with emerging “nationalism”

§         Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) vs. King Philip IV of France (1285-1314)

§         Philip installs Pope Clement V (1305-1314): resides in Avignon, France

§         1377 Pope Gregory XI returns papacy to Rome: dies 1378

§         Two Popes: Urban VI (Rome; 1378-89) & Clement VII (Avignon; 1378-94)




§         Effort to reform church by returning authority to councils

§         1409 Council of Pisa: result=3 Popes

§         1414-18 Council of Constance

§         1423: Council unable to meet

§         1431-39 Council of Basel

§         1438-45 Council of Ferrara/Florence


John Wycliffe (d. 1384)


§         Early English reformer

§         Emphasized importance of Scripture: first English translation of the Bible

§         The Invisible Church

§         The Lollards


Jan Huss (1373-1415)


§         Early Czech reformer (Bohemia)

§         Influenced by Wycliffe, but more moderate

§         1402 becomes a priest

§         1412 excommunicated

§         Objected to indulgences

§         1415 burned at the stake at the Council of Constance

§         Followers continued in Bohemia: Moravians