Celtic Christianity


·         Patrick (ca. 390-460)

·         563—St. Columba—to Scotland; 590—St. Columbanus—European continent

·         Tonsure; Synod of Whitby (664)


Early English Christianity


·         Bede (672-735); Ecclesiastical History of the English People—731

·         406—Roman leave England;  ca. 450—Angles & Saxons

·         Britons; Scots; Picts; English (Angles & Saxons)

·         597—Augustine of Canterbury; Kent

·         Ethelbert & Bertha


Islam & The West


§         Muhammad (570-632): Mecca (611-21); Medina (621-30); 630: sack of Mecca

§         Began conquests, jihad; 644: Persia destroyed; Byzantium seriously diminished

§         635-Damascus; 638-Jerusalem & Antioch; 646-Egypt

§         Caliph; Umayyad dynasty (661-750); 711-Spain-until 1492

§         732—Battle of Poitiers/Tours; 750-Abbasid dynasty; Umayyads in Spain

§         Cordoba; Pirenne thesis



Charlemagne & Carolingian Empire (France & Germany)


§         Italy: OstrogothsàByzantines (ca. 535-553)àLombards (ca. 568); Spain: VisigothsàMuslims (ca. 711)

§         Battle of Tours (732): Charles Martel (690-41)-“Mayor of the Palace” in Merovingian court

§         Pepin (714-68): 1st Carolingian king; 754-defeats Lombards & gives land to Pope-Pope anoints Pepin

§         Charlemagne (742-814): 1st Holy Roman Emperor (800); Holy Roman Empire

§         Carolingian Renaissance: Charlemagneà877; clerical schools; canon law


Carolingian Renaissance


§         Adoptionism: Christology

§         Predestination: Double Predestination-Single Predestination-Divine Foreknowledge

§         John Scotus Erigena (810-77)

§         Real Presence in the Eucharist; Paschasius Radbertus wrote a treatise On the Body and Blood of the Lord; Ratramanus of Corbie

§         Perpetual Virginity of Mary

§         The Filioque: “and from the Son”—Nicene Creed—only in West, not East: one of main points of division

§         Spain: Council of Toledo (589); Council of Aachen (809)

§         Popes resist adoption until ca. 1000


Church in Feudal Society


·         Louis the Pious (814-40)

·         842: Louis the German; Charles the Bald; Lothair

·         vassal; lay investiture; simony; nepotism

·         Vikings/Norhtmen: begin 790s;  871—2/3 of England—Kingdom of Wessex

·         Muslim Pirates: begin 820s; 846-loot St. Peter’s

·         Magyars/Hungarians: 895-955

·         Hroswita of Gandersheim (935-1001/3)